Diagnostic Radiology Los Angeles Medical Center

Residency training in Diagnostic Radiology at the Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center (LAMC) provides experience in all subspecialties of Radiology, including cardiothoracic, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, pediatric, neuro-radiology, breast imaging,  interventional radiology and nuclear medicine.

Experience is obtained with all imaging modalities, including fluoroscopy, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 2D and Tomo Mammography. There is a highly specialized and busy Interventional Radiology service where the resident gains extensive hands-on experience and teaching. The procedures for which the service is a referral center include but not limited to are radio-frequency ablation of tumors, AAA endograft, chemo-embolization, uterine artery embolization, and Y-90 treatment. This is one of the busiest stoke centers with extensive neuro intervention. KP LAMC also serves as a regional pediatric hospital.

Research is an integral part of the program, and residents complete at least one research project during their residency. Publication and/or presentation of the project at a scientific meeting is strongly encouraged. If a resident presents a paper on the project at a national meeting, expenses are paid by the Medical Center. All residents attend the Department of Diagnostic Radiology’s Research Committee meetings, at which research projects are suggested, including collaborative efforts with other departments in the Medical Center. Ongoing projects are presented and discussed, and guidance is provided by the faculty.
Two residents are accepted annually at the first postgraduate (intern) level through the National Resident Matching Program. The program does not accept applicants at the PGY-2 level who have completed internships elsewhere.